Angus’ Beetroot Brownies

Author: Angus
Age: 8
School: St Robert’s First School and Nursery

Why we loved it:

This recipe is a really great way of using vegetables in an interesting way and not even noticing you’re eating them! They make a healthier version of a delicious cake.

We also loved Angus’ version because he eats them to celebrate the people around him he loves, which is always a great reason for cake!

What other cake can you think of that has vegetables in it?


Total time:
55 Mins
15-20 brownies


500g whole raw beetroot (3-4 medium beets)
100g unsalted butter, plus extra for the tin
200g bar plain chocolate (70% cocoa)
1 tsp vanilla extract
250g golden caster sugar
3 eggs
100g plain flour
25g cocoa powder



Wearing a pair of rubber gloves to stop your hands from staining, top, tail and peel the beetroot – you’ll need about 400g flesh. Roughly chop and put into a large bowl. Add a splash of water, cover with cling film and microwave on High for 12 mins or until tender.


Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas and butter and line a 20 x 30cm traybake or small roasting tin. Roughly chop up the chocolate and cut the butter into cubes. Tip the cooked beetroot into a sieve, drain off any liquid, then put into a food processor or blender with the chocolate, butter and vanilla. Whizz until the mix is as smooth as you can get it. The chocolate and butter will melt as you do this.


Put the sugar and eggs into a large bowl, then beat using an electric hand whisk until thick, pale and foamy; it should take about 2 mins. Spoon the beetroot mix into the bowl, then using a large metal spoon fold it into the whisked eggs. Try to keep as much air in the mixture as you can. Sift in the flour and cocoa powder, then gently fold those in too to make a smooth batter.


Pour into your tin and bake for 25 mins or until risen all over. Cool completely in the tin and cut into squares. YUM!

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